For translators, maintaining and further developing our skills and knowledge – or continuing professional development (CPD) – is extremely important. I regularly attend networking events and talks in Austria, the UK and other countries to keep up-to-date with industry developments.

Attending a marketing event about Facebook and Instagram adverts ©the female factor

Highlights include:

Visit to Bombardier Transportation in Vienna (February 2020)

Visit to the Vienna Auto Show (Jan 2020)

TEKOM aeronautical documentation “Impulseabend” in Graz (Nov 2019)

Visit to MSV mechanical engineering fair in Brno in the Czech Republic (Oct 2019)

Visit to Schubert Stone, Vienna (Aug 2019)

UNIVERSITAS workshop “Übersetzungspatterns Englisch-Deutsch mit Karin Königs” (May 2019)

Female Founders Branding and Copywriting Workshops (Spring 2019)

Visit to the exhibition of the Tekom Spring Conference in Vienna (March 2019)

Wiener Sprachdienstleister talks on topics including Medical Translation and GDPR

At CIOL Members’ Day 2018 (Copyright CIOL, from https://www.ciol.org.uk/ciol-agm-members-day-2018)

CIOL Member’s Day 2018

Other events organised by professional translation associations in Austria and the UK

Factory visits

More detailed information can be found on my blog.